专业名称 | 专业英文名 |
农学院(College of Agriculture) | |
农业商业与经济学 | Agricultural Business & Economics |
农业传播 | Agricultural Communications |
农学与土壤科学-商业方向 | Agronomy and Soils - Business Track |
农学与土壤科学-生产方向 | Agronomy and Soils - Production Track |
农学与土壤科学-科学方向 | Agronomy and Soils - Science Track |
农学与土壤科学-草坪方向 | Agronomy and Soils - Turfgrass Track |
农学与土壤-土壤、水及土地利用 | Agronomy and Soils - Soil, Water and Land Use Option |
动物科学-马学方向 | Animal Sciences - Equine Science Option |
动物科学-肉用动物方向 | Animal Sciences - Muscle Foods Option |
动物科学-兽医预科方向 | Animal Sciences - Pre-Vet - Pre-Professional Option |
动物科学-生产管理方向 | Animal Sciences - Production Management Option |
生物系统工程 | Biosystems Engineering |
生物系统工程-生态工程方向 | Biosystems Engineering (Ecological Engineering option) |
生物系统工程-森林工程方向 | Biosystems Engineering (Forest Engineering option) |
环境科学 | Environmental Science |
渔业与水产科学 | Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures |
渔业与水产科学-专业预科方向 | Fisheries and Allied Aqualcultures - Pre-Professional Option |
园艺学-水果与蔬菜生产方向 | Horticulture - Fruit and Vegetable Production Emphasis |
园艺学-园林园艺方向 | Horticulture - Landscape Horticulture Emphasis |
园艺学-苗圃与温室科学方向 | Horticulture - Nursery and Greenhouse Science Emphasis |
园艺学-景观设计预科方向 | Horticulture - Pre-Landscape Architecture Emphasis |
家禽科学-食品科学方向 | Poultry Science - Food Science |
家禽科学-家禽制品及其加工方向 | Poultry Science - Poultry Processing and Products |
家禽科学-家禽生产方向 | Poultry Science - Poultry Production |
家禽科学-兽医预科方向 | Poultry Science - Poultry Science/Pre-Vetrinary Medicine |
建筑学院(College of Architecture, Design, and Construction) | |
建筑学 | Architecture |
室内建筑 | Interior Architecture |
室内设计 | Architecture/Interior Architecture |
建筑科学 | Building Science |
环境设计 | Environmental Design |
环境设计-景观建筑预科方向 | Environmental Design - Pre-Landscape Architecture |
平面设计 | Graphic Design |
工业设计 | Industrial Design |
商学院(Raymond J. Harbert College of Business) | |
会计 | Accountancy - On-Campus Option for First Degree Candidates |
航空管理 | Aviation Management |
工商管理 | Business Administration |
商业分析 | Business Analytics |
创业与家族企业 | Entrepreneurship and Family Business |
金融 | Finance |
人力资源管理 | Human Resources Management |
信息系统管理 | Information Systems Management |
国际贸易 | International Business |
管理学 | Management |
市场营销 | Marketing |
专业飞行管理 | Professional Flight Management |
物流管理 | Supply Chain Management |
教育学院(College of Education) | |
农业科学教育 | Agriscience Education |
商科与市场营销教育 | Business and Marketing Education |
化学教育 | Chemistry Education |
教师教育 | Collaborative Teacher Education |
法语教育 | Foreign Language Education/French |
德语教育 | Foreign Language Education/German |
西班牙与教育 | Foreign Language Education/Spanish |
早期教育 | Early Childhood Education |
早期特殊教育 | Early Childhood Special Education |
小学教育 | Elementary Education |
英语教育 | English Language Arts Education/English |
运动科学 | Exercise Science |
健身、调节与运动 | Fitness, Conditioning and Performance |
生物学教育 | General Science Education/Biology |
历史教育 | General Social Science Education/History |
数学教育 | Mathematics Education |
音乐教育 | Music Education/Instrumental and Vocal |
体育教育 | Physical Education/Teacher Education |
锻炼与健康 | Physical Activity and Health |
物理教育 | Physics Education |
康复科学与残疾研究 | Rehabilitation and Disability Studies |
工程学院(Samuel Ginn College of Engineering) | |
航空航天工程 | Aerospace Engineering |
生物系统工程 | Biosystems Engineering |
生物系统工程-生态工程方向 | Biosystems Engineering (Ecological Engineering option) |
生物系统工程-森林工程方向 | Biosystems Engineering (Forest Engineering option) |
化学工程 | Chemical Engineering |
土木工程 | Civil Engineering |
计算机科学 | Computer Science |
工业与系统工程 | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
材料工程 | Materials Engineering |
机械工程 | Mechanical Engineering |
高分子与纤维工程-纤维方向 | Polymer and Fiber Engineering (Fiber Option) |
高分子与纤维工程-高分子方向 | Polymer and Fiber Engineering (Polymer Option) |
软件工程 | Software Engineering |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering |
电气工程-计算机工程方向 | Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering Option) |
无线工程-硬件方向 | Wireless Engineering (Hardware Option) |
无线工程-软件方向 | Wireless Engineering (Software Option) |
林学院(School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences) | |
林学 | Forestry |
自然资源管理 | Natural Resources Management |
野生动物生态与管理 | Wildlife Ecology and Management |
野生动物研究-兽医预科方向 | Wildlife Sciences, Pre-Veterinary Medicine Concentration |
人类学院(College of Human Sciences) | |
服装采购 | Apparel Merchandising, Design and Production Management (Apparel Merchandising Option) |
服装设计与生产管理 | Apparel Merchandising, Design and Production Management (Product Design and Production Management Option) |
消费与设计科学 | Consumer and Design Sciences, ABM |
人类科学及其全球研究 | Global Studies in Human Sciences |
酒店与餐饮管理 | Hotel and Restaurant Management |
人类发展与家庭研究 | Human Development and Family Studies |
室内设计 | Interior Design |
营养学 | Nutrition, ABM |
营养学-营养与饮食方向 | Nutrition (Nutrition/Dietetics Option) |
营养学-营养科学方向 | Nutrition (Nutrition Science Option) |
营养学-营养健康方向 | Nutrition (Wellness Option) |
文学院(College of Liberal Arts) | |
人类学 | Anthropology |
艺术 | Art |
艺术史 | Art History |
工作室艺术 | Art-Studio/Fine Arts |
传播 | Communication |
沟通障碍研究 | Communication Disorders |
经济学 | Economics - Primary Track |
计量经济学 | Economics - Quantitative Track |
创意写作 | English - Creative Writing |
专业与公共写作 | English - Professional and Public Writing |
英语文学 | English - Literature |
法语 | French |
国际贸易法语 | French International Trade |
德语 | German |
国际贸易德语 | German International Trade |
卫生服务管理 | Health Services Administration |
历史 | History |
新闻学 | Journalism |
媒体研究 | Media Studies |
媒体研究-视觉传播方向 | Media Studies - Visual Media Option |
音乐 | Music |
音乐表演-器乐方向 | Music Performance - Instrumental |
音乐表演-钢琴方向 | Music Performance - Piano |
音乐表演-声乐方向 | Music Performance - Voice |
哲学 | Philosophy |
政治学 | Political Science |
公共管理 | Public Administration |
公共关系 | Public Relations |
心理学 | Psychology |
西班牙语 | Spanish |
西班牙国际贸易 | Spanish International Trade |
社会工作 | Social Work |
社会学 | Sociology |
戏剧 | Theatre |
剧院设计与技术 | Theatre - Design / Technology |
剧场管理 | Theatre - Management |
音乐剧 | Theatre - Music Theatre |
戏剧表演 | Theatre - Performance |
理学院(College of Sciences and Mathematics) | |
精算学 | Actuarial Science |
应用离散数学 | Applied Discrete Mathematics |
应用数学 | Applied Mathematics |
化学 | Chemistry |
生物化学 | Biochemistry |
生物医学科学 | Biomedical Sciences |
地理 | Geography |
地质学 | Geology |
实验室技术 | Laboratory Technology |
海洋生物 | Marine Biology |
数学 | Mathematics |
医疗技术 | Medical Technology |
微生物学 | Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology Microbiology Option (MCMB) |
细胞与分子生物学 | Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology Cell & Molecular Biology Option (MCCM) |
微生物学-兽医预科方向 | Microbiology/Pre-Veterinary Medicine Option |
有机体生物学-生物保护与生物多样性方向 | Organismal Biology - Conservation & Biodiversity Option |
有机体生物学-生态、进化与行为方向 | Organismal Biology - Ecology, Evolution & Behavior Option |
有机体生物学-综合生物学方向 | Organismal Biology - Integrated Biology Option |
有机体生物学-兽医预科方向 | Organismal Biology - Pre Veterinary Medicine Option |
物理 | Physics |
护理学院(School of Nursing) | |
护理 | Nursing - Traditional |
专业预科(Pre-Professional) | |
牙医预科 | Pre-Dentistry |
医学预科 | Pre-Medicine |
眼科预科 | Pre-Optometry |
药学预科 | Pre-Pharmacy |
理疗预科 | Pre-Physical Therapy |
兽医预科 | Pre-Veterinary Medicine |